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lundi 14 février 2011

Candida Symptoms Male

If you believe that yeast infections and Candida overgrowth is just a woman's problem, don't. It's a myth. Men can suffer from Candida overgrowth just like women can. Why? Because Candida is a fungus like bacteria that lives in and on our bodies. It lives in our gut and on our skin. And both men and women can suffer from Candida symptoms. Male folks may suffer the same symptoms and health complications. However, they're less likely to head to the doctor from embarrassment. Men, if you suffer from Candida symptoms, it's important to treat it!
Candida Symptoms Male & Female
Common symptoms for both genders include:
* Chronic fatigue
* Digestive pain
* Bloating and indigestion
* Joint pain with arthritis-like symptoms
* Weight loss OR gain
* Brain "fog"
* Headaches
* Skin rashes
* Depression
* Insomnia
* Acne
* Diarrhea
* Constipation
There are many more common Candida symptoms for both men and women. Here are some that are unique to men.
Candida Symptoms Male Only
* Irritation or rash on the head of the penis - may include itching
* Small blisters on the head and shaft of the penis
* Discharge from the penis.
* Stinging or tingling in and on the penis
* Swollen tissue around the penis
* Redness and pain or extreme sensitivity in the penis
This is most likely a Candida yeast infection. It is something you can contract via sexual contact and it is something you can transmit via sexual contact. Men can also get yeast infections, Candida overgrowth, without sexual contact. It is a bacteria that multiplies for a number of different reasons.
Common Candida Infection Causes
* A weakened immune system (HIV, Diabetes, Cancer, Chronic Stress)
* Antibiotics
* Sexual Transmission from a woman with a vaginal yeast infection
* Poor dietary habits. (too much sugary and fermented foods)
Treating Candida Symptoms in Men
The treatment for Candida overgrowth is commonly treated with an anti-fungal. This is fine because it will treat the symptoms. However, if you do not want the infection to reoccur, and who would, then a more comprehensive treatment plan is in order.
Candida overgrowth generally isn't a onetime occurrence. It is generally caused by a compromised immune system and/or lifestyle habits.
For example, one very common and effective way to treat Candida overgrowth is to go on a Candida diet. This diet eliminates sugar, foods that act like sugar in your body and fermented products from your diet for a short period of time - usually two to four weeks. This diet literally starves the Candida, because they thrive on sugars in your body.
Then, once the Candida has been eliminated, you can slowly add foods back into your diet. Taking great care to develop healthy eating habits because Candida can become overgrown again, this would then cause another yeast infection and other unpleasant Candida symptoms.
For most, the required lifestyle changes aren't drastic and are certainly worth the effort to avoid Candida symptoms. Males and females alike can suffer from Candida yeast infections and overgrowth symptoms. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Grab Your FREE 7-day Course and Learn How to Get Rid of Candida Overgrowth Safely and Naturally. Visit for Tips, Advice and Solutions.

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