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lundi 14 février 2011

Noni Juice Benefits Are Plenty

There are several Noni juice benefits to be had. Noni is an Asian fruit; it also goes by the names the great morinda, cheese fruit, Indian mulberry and beach mulberry. The fruit is not restricted to Asia and can be found in several other regions of the world as well. You will find it in India, Tahiti, as well as Polynesia. Scientifically speaking, the Latin name for this fruit is Morinda Citrifolia.
The Noni fruit is an excellent source of fiber, carbohydrates as well as proteins. Its nutritional value is what makes the fruit a healthy option; an added benefit is in the fact that its pulp is fat free. This is what is used to prepare the juice. Besides this, the nectar is also loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamin A as well as niacin and iron.
Though medical research cannot really validate this, there are several benefits of Noni juice. It is believed that the juice is good for the skin. Those who have been using this nectar over a period of time claim to have great skin. It has helped cure many of acne. The juice has also been used in creams to help improve complexion and treat skin afflictions.
There are many people who also believe that this food can help treat constipation, stomachaches and those suffering from gum based issues as well; it is also believed to prevent hair loss. A few studies done on Noni-based shampoos have proven its ability to help reverse hair loss and help regenerate it in some cases. There are several researchers who also believe in its potential to help fight cancer. There is extensive research going on in labs and several mice are being tested to this effect. Preliminary results have shown the juice's ability to slow tumor growth and even reduce it in some cases; though this information is yet to be validated. Despite the lack of research, many people feel that this nectar can help lower cholesterol rates as well.
As with overindulging with any medicinal substance, Noni juice benefits can be negated if had in excess. Having too much of this can produce some negative side effects especially for those who are on prescribed medication or special diets. It can lead to diabetic shock if one does not stick to prescribed blood sugar levels. For those who want to try this, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor before doing so.
The author has spent a lot of time learning about how to lose belly fat for women and other related topics. Read more about noni juice benefits at John Espinosa's website.
John Espinosa - EzineArticles Expert Author

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