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dimanche 20 février 2011

10 questions pièges

Parlez-moi de vous...
Cette question arrive souvent car c'est facile à poser :) Le recruteur cherche à vous connaître, à analyser la façon dont vous allez vous exprimer (clarté, concision, qualité de l'information), mais aussi à vous mettre à l'aise en vous laissant la parole de façon à vous mettre en valeur. 
Variante : Comment vos amis ou collègues vous décriraient ? Le recruteur cherche ici à juger quel recul vous avez sur vous-même tout en essayant d'en savoir plus sur votre personnalité. 

Pouvez-vous me parler d'une expérience professionnelle dont vous soyez particulièrement fière, qui vous a particulièrement motivé ?
Choisissez une expérience qui a de préférence un lien avec le poste visé et où vous ayez eu un rôle important. Attention de bien expliquer le contexte de la mission, votre rôle / pouvoir dans une éventuelle équipe, les résultats obtenus, en quoi s'agissait-il d'un succès ? 
Variantes : Quelles sortes de risques avez-vous été amené à prendre dans votre vie ? Aviez-vous des responsabilités ? Si oui, lesquelles ? 

Décrivez moi une expérience professionnelle pendant laquelle vous avez du surpasser des problèmes ou des obstacles ? Comment avez-vous pu résoudre ces problèmes ?
Les problèmes en entreprises sont courants (manque de compétences, processus inefficaces, fortes personnalités, manque de budgets?) : le recruteur cherche à savoir si ces obstacles vous font peur et si vous êtes assez débrouillard et indépendant pour ne pas vous noyer dans un verre d'eau. 
Variante : Aimez-vous les difficultés ? 

Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cette formation ? Regrettez-vous ce choix ?
Le recruteur souhaite comprendre ce que vous avez appris et, par conséquence, ce que l'on peut attendre de vous, ce qui vous a passionné. Aussi, il peut vérifier que vous avez assumé votre choix et que vous avez su tirer parti de votre formation : montrez-vous sûr de vous ! 

Aimez-vous le travail en équipe ?
En entreprise le travail en équipe est quasi obligatoire : le recruteur veut savoir si vous allez bien vous intégrer dans l'équipe. Montrez que vous aimez le travail en équipe et que vous appréciez de travailler avec différentes personnalités.
Variante : Préférez-vous travailler seul ou en équipe ? 

Savez-vous dire « non » ?
Le recruteur veut connaître votre pouvoir de prise de décision, savez-vous exprimer votre décision même si la personne en face de vous ne va pas l'apprécier. Donnez des exemples professionnels. 
Variante : Acceptez-vous facilement les ordres ? 

Que faites-vous pendant vos loisirs ? Quelles sont vos passions ?
Le recruteur peut avoir l'air de détendre l'atmosphère, mais attention il continue à vous analyser et à essayer de mieux comprendre l'intégralité de votre personnalité? restez toujours professionnel ! Ne pas détailler des passions trop intimes ou pas facile à expliquer (la couture chez mamie, l'élevage de grenouille, les collections de timbre : l'idée est de donner toujours une image positive et dynamique de vous même. 

Quels sont vos points faibles ? (Quels sont vos points forts ? )
Attention !! Question piège la plus posée ! Montrez que vous avez suffisamment de recul sur vous-même pour discerner vos défauts et vos axes d'améliorations. Le recruteur cherche à connaître les risques qu'il prend en vous embauchant : décrivez vos défauts et les mesures que vous avez prises pour corriger ces défauts ; ainsi votre point faible sera gommé par votre plan d'action pour faire disparaître celui-ci. .
Variantes : Définissez-vous en 6 adjectifs (positifs et négatifs). Si j'en parlais avec votre ancien employeur, comment définirait-il vos principales qualités et vos principales faiblesses ? Que nous apportez-vous qui fasse la différence avec les autres candidats ? 

Pouvez-vous donner des exemples concrets et précis de ce que vous expliquez ?
Le recruteur souhaite toujours avoir des exemples précis pour ne pas se contenter de vos déclarations mais aussi afin de vérifier vos idées. 

Pourquoi avez-vous quitté cet emploi ? Pourquoi cherchez vous à quitter cet emploi 
Encore une autre manière de comprendre qu'est ce qui vous motive, et quels sont les éléments qui vous déplaisent ou qui vous pousse à partir d'une entreprise. Le recruteur cherche aussi à savoir combien de temps vous allez rester dans l'entreprise, êtes vous instables dans une entreprise ? 

Attention durant l'entretien d'embauche ne dénigrez pas d'anciens salariés, ne dévoilez pas de données confidentielles que vous auriez pu obtenir dans un précédent emploi. Ces confidences sont peu appréciées car elles démontrent un manque de professionnalisme. 

Les questions les plus fréquentes en entretien

Mon conseil : Il faut répondre à ce type de questions avec naturel, sans se faire déstabiliser. Donc, préparez vos réponses à l'avance.
Parlez-moi de vous.
Parlez-moi de votre expérience professionnelle (de vos postes précédents, de vos employeurs précédents, ...)
Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous en recherche d'emploi ?
Comment avez-vous organisé votre recherche d'emploi ?
Pourquoi nous avez-vous écrit spontanément ? Pourquoi avez-vous répondu à notre annonce ?
Que savez-vous de notre société ? De nos produits ? De notre secteur d'activités ? De nos marchés ? De nos clients ? De nos concurrents ?
Pourquoi choisir une grande / petite société comme la nôtre ?
Qu'est-ce qui vous attire dans ce poste ? Dans ce métier ? Dans notre société ?
Pourquoi voulez-vous (avez-vous) quitter(é) votre (dernier) employeur ?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser que vous réussirez dans un tel emploi chez nous ?
Comment pensez-vous participer au développement de notre société ?
Avez-vous un objectif (une ambition) personnel(le) (professionnel(le)) ? Comment vous voyez-vous chez nous à court (moyen, long) terme ?
Quelles sont vos capacités de management ? Avez-vous déjà dirigé des hommes ?
Comment acceptez-vous la hiérarchie ?
Préférez-vous travailler seul ou en équipe ?
Quelles ont-été vos principales responsabilités ?
Comment vous jugez-vous ? Quelles sont vos qualités et vos défauts ?
Quelle est votre formation ? Votre niveau d'études ? Avez-vous suivi des stages de formation continue ?
Etes-vous libre immédiatement ? Quelle est la durée de votre préavis ? Quand pouvez-vous prendre vos fonctions ?
Quelle est votre situation de famille ? Que font votre femme et vos enfants ? Quel âge avez-vous ?
Etes-vous prêt à déménager pour ce poste ?
Etes-vous mobile ? Acceptez-vous de vous déplacer en France ? A l'étranger ?
Avez-vous un véhicule personnel ? Avez-vous votre permis de conduire ?
Quelles sont les autres entreprises que vous avez contactées ?
Avez-vous d'autres offres (propositions) en cours ?
Combien voulez-vous gagner ? Quel est votre salaire actuel ? (Quel était votre salaire précédent) ?

L'Entretien de Recrutement : Les pièges à éviter

Côté Recruteur

L'effet de halo
La projection
La première impression

-Côté Candidat

Etre bavard
Etre anxieux
Etre fermé
Etre trop décontracté

Ce qu'est un Entretien de Recrutement

Une situation finalisée à durée limitée
Vous rencontrez quelqu'un dans un but précis. Vous allez donner, échanger et apprécier des informations qui vont permettre à l'un et à l'autre de faire un choix en fin d'entretien Un entretien de recrutement dure d'une demi-heure à une heure et demie.
Une situation relationnelle
L'entretien implique un face à face, une situation de rencontre, où le vécu, ce qui se passe et ce qui se dit dans le cours et le cadre de l'entretien, est la matière privilégiée de la rencontre.
Une situation interactive
Un entretien est à base d'échanges verbaux principalement mais pas uniquement. Les deux interlocuteurs ont à s'exprimer tour à tour. L'un le fait pour aider l'autre à s'exprimer et montrer qu'il cherche à le comprendre. L'autre donne des informations qui font l'objet de l'entretien. Cette situation peut être inversée au cours de l'entretien en fonction de l'objectif poursuivi, mais cette dissymétrie des rôles est toujours à respecter.
Dans un entretien de recrutement, le recruteur interviewe le candidat, mais le candidat interviewe aussi le recruteur. L'évaluation doit être réciproque. La maîtrise de la prise de parole, des techniques de communication verbale est alors décisive.
Une situation doublement structurée
Dans un entretien, il y a des règles: on sait qui a l'initiative, qui va commencer, qui est chargé de le conduire, qui propose un plan, qui choisit une technique, qui doit le conclure. Cette structure méthodologique est doublée par une autre structure, subjective, implicite, mais qui n'en est pas moins présente et efficiente. Elle est liée à tous les paramètres affectifs de la situation, à tout ce que la situation de l'entretien déclenche: les réactions émotionnelles, affectives, la sympathie, l'antipathie, la lassitude, la fébrilité, etc ...
Une situation dynamique
La situation d'entretien est faite pour que les deux interlocuteurs évoluent par approximations successives, par essais et erreurs, dans leurs impressions, dans leur langage, dans leur perception, dans leur compréhension. La prise de parole n'est jamais figée, les propos peuvent évoluer, des phrases peuvent être risquées, reprises et modifiées. L'important est que l'expression de l'un et de l'autre tende à devenir de plus en plus juste. L'art de l'interviewer aide beaucoup.

jeudi 17 février 2011

5 نصائح لتسريع عملية فقدان الوزن

فقدان الوزن بسرعة يتطلّب تخطيطا قويا وديناميكيا، خصوصا وأنه يتطلّب وقتا من أجل الحصول على النتائج.
وهذه مجموعة من الخطوات تساعد على تسريع هذه العملية

- شرب الماء بكثرة: فهي الحافز الأهم على المدى الطويل التي من شأنها أن تساعد في الحفاظ على الوزن، فهي تحمي المعدة من الجفاف وتصد الرغبة الكاذبة في تناول الطعام.
كما أن الماء يساعد على تحفيز الجسم وعملية التخلص من تخزين الدهون والسموم وطردها خارجه، كما أن الذين لا يشربون الماء يعانون من مشكلة تخزين الدهون في الكبد، وتصبح عملية الأيض بطيئة في التخلص من الدهون وحرقها.
ويعمل شرب الماء المثلج على حرق ما يقارب 62 سعرة حرارية يوميا؛ لأن الجسم يحتاج إلى معادلة درجة حرارته بدرجة حرارة هذه المياه، مما يتطلب حرق سعرات أكثر للحصول على الطاقة، وهذا يساوي نحو 430 سعرة كل أسبوع.

- تناول الطعام بانتظام: وهذا يعني 5 وجبات في اليوم وأهمها وجبة الإفطار التي تزود الجسم بالوقود وتجنبه ألم الجوع بقية اليوم.
وتناول خمس وجبات يومية يساعد على سد الشعور بالجوع، وهنا يجب الاعتدال في كميات الطعام والسيطرة على طبيعتها.

- تناول الأطعمة الغنية بألألياف: يجب الحرص على تناول الأطعمة الكافية التي تسهل عملية حركة الأمعاء، وتعمل الأطعمة الغنية بالألياف على تسهيل حركتها، وهي موجودة في الأطعمة النباتية، وتسهم أيضا في امتصاص البروتين والتخلص من الدهون.
وتمتاز الأطعمة الغنية بالألياف بأنها ذات سعرات حرارية قليلة ومنها الفراولة والتفاح والتين والحمص والبطاطا مع قشرتها والبروكلي والأرز البني والفول والنخالة والمكسرات.

- تناول الدهون الجيدة وهي الأحماض الدهنية الأساسية: مثل (أحماض لينوليك وينولينيك) اللازمة للنمو والتكاثر الطبيعي، وكذلك لإنتاج هرمون prostoglandin، وهو الذي ينظم عملية ضغط الدم، ويمنع تجلطه ويقلل من مخاطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب.
وتشمل كذلك البروتينات التي تساعد على الحفاظ على كتلة العضلات، وهو أمر مهم في عملية حرق الدهون.
ومن الخيارات الجيدة السمك والجمبري والجبن قليلة الدسم، الزبادي والحليب منزوع الدسم، بياض البيض.

- الكربوهيدرات يمكن أن يساعدك على فقدان الوزن: لأنها تساعد على مكافحة حالات الجوع وتمنح الجسم الشعور بالامتلاء لفترات طويلة، وتشمل هذه الحبوب الكاملة والخضار والفواكه والبقول. ...
كذلك البروتينات التي تساعد على الحفاظ على كتلة العضلات، وهو أمر مهم في عملية حرق الدهون.
ومن الخيارات الجيدة السمك والجمبري والجبن قليلة الدسم، الزبادي والحليب منزوع الدسم، بياض البيض.

- الكربوهيدرات يمكن أن يساعدك على فقدان الوزن: لأنها تساعد على مكافحة حالات الجوع وتمنح الجسم الشعور بالامتلاء لفترات طويلة، وتشمل هذه الحبوب الكاملة والخضار والفواكه والبقول.
كذلك البروتينات التي تساعد على الحفاظ على كتلة العضلات، وهو أمر مهم في عملية حرق الدهون.
ومن الخيارات الجيدة السمك والجمبري والجبن قليلة الدسم، الزبادي والحليب منزوع الدسم، بياض البيض.

- الكربوهيدرات يمكن أن يساعدك على فقدان الوزن: لأنها تساعد على مكافحة حالات الجوع وتمنح الجسم الشعور بالامتلاء لفترات طويلة، وتشمل هذه الحبوب الكاملة والخضار والفواكه والبقول.

كذلك البروتينات التي تساعد على الحفاظ على كتلة العضلات، وهو أمر مهم في عملية حرق الدهون.
ومن الخيارات الجيدة السمك والجمبري والجبن قليلة الدسم، الزبادي والحليب منزوع الدسم، بياض البيض.

- الكربوهيدرات يمكن أن يساعدك على فقدان الوزن: لأنها تساعد على مكافحة حالات الجوع وتمنح الجسم الشعور بالامتلاء لفترات طويلة، وتشمل هذه الحبوب الكاملة والخضار والفواكه والبقول

فوائد شرب الماء في التخسيس وانقاص الوزن

العديد ممن يعانون من مشاكل الزيادة في الوزن ويجدون مشكلة كبيرة في التحكم في النفس ومنعها من تناول الأطعمة الشهية
يمكنهم الآن استغلال شرب الماء في التخلص من الوزن الزائد بالاضافة الى الحصول على جسم صحي
ومن أهم فوائد شرب الماء ما يأتي:-

1- الماء يساعد على فقدان الشهية: حيث أن الاشخاص الذين يشربون الماء بكميات كبيرة نسبيا لا يشعرون بالجوع وهو ما يسمى فقدان الشهية والذي له دور كبير في التخلص من الوزن الزائد

2- الماء يساعد على تقليل الكوليسترول في الدم: حيث أن للماء تأثير جذري على الكوليسترول حيث يعمل على تقليله في الجسم مما يساعد على نقص الوزن بصورة أسرع

3- الماء له دور كبير في عملية الهضم السليم: حيث أن عملية الهضم تتطلب كميات معينة من الماء ونقص تلك الكمية قد تؤدي الى مشاكل في الهضم ومتاعب للجسم

4- الماء يعمل على تخليص الكبد من الدهون: ويحتاج ذلك الى الماء كعنصر أساسي في التخلص من الدهون والذي له دور اساسي في فقد الوزن

5- الماء يعمل على تهدئة الجهاز الهضمي: وذلك لأن أثناء القيام بعملية الهضم تحدث العديد من الاضطرابات في المعدة والتي قد تؤدي الى مشاكل اثناء الهضم مما قد يسبب مشاكل في المعدة ولذلك الماء هام جدا في تقليل تلك الاضطرابات

6- شرب كمية وفيرة من الماء يمنع من تراكم الماء في الجسم: حيث أن الشخص الذي لا يتناول كمية وفيرة من الماء يقوم جسمه بالاستفادة بجزء من هذه الكمية ويحتفظ بالباقي أما تناول كمية كافية تجعل الجسم لا يحتفظ بالماء داخل الجسم مما يؤدي الى نقص كبير في الوزن

7- الماء يرطب البشره ويجعلها أكثر اشعاعا ومرونة: معظم نجوم عارضي الأزياء يعلمون جيدا أن تناول 2 لتر من الماء يوميا يكسب بشرتهم النضارة والحيوية والرطوبة كما أن نقص الوزن يجعل البشرة في حاجة الى المزيد من السوائل للحفاظ على شكلها من الانكماش

8- الماء يغسل السموم من الجسم: الماء له دور كبير في حيوية الجسم عن طريق التخلص من السموم المخزنة فيه وذلك له عامل في قيام الجسم بجميع وظائفه الحيوية بسهولة وبأمان

تحدث الخبراء على أن شرب 2,2 لتر يوميا أي بما يعادل 9 أكواب زجاجية يؤدي مباشرة النتائج السابقة مما يكون له عامل كبير في بناء جسم قوي وصحي

lundi 14 février 2011

Best People Search Engine

The Best People Search Engine found online can be used to look for personal records search such as, just to give an example, a missing individual.
What is it?
Let us try to understand. The name is self explanatory; a people search engine is a web portal that can aid one in tracing down an individual. These search engines though are not all the same. Each site has its own specific way of operating. For example, some only require the name of the person you are looking for. The engine will then work its magic, and within minutes, it will give you a list of all the inhabitants who have that specific name. The good thing with using the best people search engine is that it not only gives you the list of names but also their date of birth, home addresses, phone numbers and a whole lot more should you require the information.
A Quick, Easy Search?
The efficiency of a people search engine lies in your hands. This is because, when using any of the best people search engines, the amount of information you key in will determine the kind of results you get. A good example is the use of initials. If one is looking for a "Paul Jefferson" then it is advisable to key in the full names and not "P Jefferson". The latter might get a list of around 30 people while the other might get a list of around 10 people. On top of that, it is good to add the state and even the date of birth if at all possible. This will just shorten the list hence making the work easier for you.
Alternative Methods?
There are other ways of looking for missing persons apart from using the online method. You can go through government records of which are readily available to the citizens or if the situation gets worse, many seek the services of a private investigator. Overall, none of theses alternatives matches to the use of the Best People Search Engine. Hiring of a private detective is not such a bad option but it is an extremely costly one. Most of the private detectives are paid in hours, so you can imagine just how expensive it is to hire one especially if it takes months to find the person. Starting with an online search is an affordable and easy beginner's first step.
Save Your $$:
And using the government's records is not expensive but uses up a lot of time. You will need to pay some nominal charge in order to access these records. Even though the charge is less than hiring a personal detective, accessing the records and going through them is what uses up all the time. Also, the records must be acquired from the same state the individual lives in. So if by any chance the individual lives in a different state, you will be forced to go all the way to that state's statistics office, request for the records and give them a grace period of about 3-4 working days before you receive the mail. This of course is not the case when you take advantage of the best people search engine online.
Click Here to Access the Internet's Best People Search Engine Now!
S. Brown - EzineArticles Expert Author

Zigbee Technologies Helping Business Thrive

It is very important today to get the best results of work with the best of software available. Nowadays there are many different kinds of products people can use in order to make sure they get better results of their work. It is essential to remember about this and find the right program that suits you.
Zigbee is a really affordable type of low-power wireless mesh networking standard. This means that it is really convenient for people to use it in their everyday lives. So it is essential to make sure people get the best results in business and find what is going on in the sphere of IT. this technology is used on a regular basis in wireless control technologies and monitoring applications which are very useful in many companies and contexts. So it is really important to remember and make sure you get all this done and followed in not time.
Zigbee helps you build reliable, cost effective and high quality products and it could be a really nice investment for your future work. It is essential to remember all this and pay attention to everything you need. Because this technology allows low power consumption it can help the environment and be used in green solutions, considered really helpful in many modern enterprises.
Besides being used in wireless sensor networks, the above mentioned technology can also be used in elegant and interesting lighting, for controlling advanced temperature, in safety systems and security operations, in the movie industry and music as well. So if you invest into the system you can see how well it can work out for you and partners.
Mike Zhmudikov for companies developing zigbee technologies.
Mike Zhmudikov - EzineArticles Expert Author

Bathroom Safety Tips

A Bathroom can be an unsafe environment for many reasons, there are potentially dangerous medicines or various chemicals stored in a bathroom, there is water and a non-porous floor. Potentially the young, the old and the unlucky can have a variety of accidents. Children can slip on the floor; adults can have difficulty getting in and out of the bath. Every year there are lots of fatal accidents including drowning, electric shocks, burns, scalds, poisonings and falls in the bathroom environment.
With the application of a little common sense many of these potential accidents can be avoided. The potential for falls in the shower and bath can be reduced by adding a textured surface; this does not involve a major DIY adjustment. Plastic fish, ducks or other shapes can be bought cheaply and stuck on with adhesive.
There are many different styles and shapes of "grab handles" these days they can be put on the wall next to the toilet or next to the bath. Elderly people can have accidents by stretching and yet there are lots of things that they can buy to make baby more comfortable. They can purchase a towel with two handles at the end to use as a sponge to help them clean their back. Replacing bathroom mats often is important because when they lose their plastic backing they do not adhere to the floor properly.
It is possible to buy a purpose built chair for the shower these are nonslip and water resistant which makes them a much better idea than just sticking a chair in the shower. As we age our hands and fingers are not as supple as they used to be and it is possible to buy taps that thermostatically control the water which means an elderly person, cannot turn the hot tap on too far. Often elderly people don't think of these things until an accident actually occurs, prevention is always better than treatment.
The bathroom can also be a seriously hazardous place for young children the combination of children playing getting excited and a wet environment is not necessarily a good one. To prevent your children straying into the bathroom you may want to close the door with a hook and eye at certain times.
Keep all medicines, mouthwashes and cleaning agents out of the reach of children. However these aren't the only hazards in the bathroom keep razors, scissors and electrical equipment locked away to. If you have a battery operated hair straightener or hair curler or anything that gets hot keep these out of reach or preferably in a locked cupboard.
Small children should never be left alone in the bathroom even for a second there are many hard objects and corners which are potentially dangerous. If the doorbell rings and you have to answer it scoop up your children and take them with you. It only takes a second for a child to be hurt. It is always a good idea to teach a child not to stand up in the bath but to remain seated at all times.
Follow these simple tips and you will be able to enjoy your bathroom safely.
For really cheap bathroom suites visit Bathshop321 alternatively if all you require is a nice cloakroom suite the you may want to check out the cloakroom suites page.
Jamie R Lyons - EzineArticles Expert Author

Longevity Now

I attended a health convention by a retired doctor, Jerome Kornfeld, M.D. from California. It's so refreshing to hear the medical group endorsing how essential train and good diet is to well being and longevity. More importantly, was the affirmation of how the thoughts and optimistic ideas control health and longevity.
Dr. Kornfeld was speaking at a lecture where nine centenarians have been in attendance. Eight of the 9 were women. He asked each centenarian to share their secret to longevity. Then he asked the viewers in the event that they observed a common thread to the centenarians' secrets. Nobody seemed to note a standard thread. Dr. Kornfeld noticed one, however only one. The common theme he seen was a positive attitude. No matter what they confronted in life; most cancers, sickness, accidents, etc. all of them accepted their challenges and moved on.
Wow, that is highly effective! But, it doesn't surprise me. We find the identical factor in our health and weight loss businesses. The people who are constructive and have an awesome outlook on life reach their targets, get best results, and are total healthier. I've been teaching this over the last several years. I repeatedly communicate to teams, corporations and individuals about their ideas and mental attitudes. My primary message is having a wholesome mindset; then I talk about train and consuming healthy.
Iris is a 90 year younger lady in our private coaching studio who my husband trains two occasions a week. Her purpose is for energy and steadiness so she doesn't fall. She has such a optimistic outlook on life. She attire in high-quality clothes to workout. We compliment her all the time how she looks so good, and she or he stated when she appears good she feels good. It's all in her attitude. She loves that undeniable fact that she workout routines with a personal coach and it makes her really feel important. She has also seen an incredible quantity of benefits many she by no means anticipated to experience when all she wanted was just a little power and balance. Her household may be very pleased with her also.
Iris hasn't been the youngest shopper we've worked with. My husband additionally trains a ninety nine year young women. Molly is filled with life and still dances. Her perspective impacts her well being and she doesn't look a day over 80. Both of our 90 year old purchasers know the significance of consuming health. They don't skip breakfast and have a great attitude on life. They need to take advantage of their time left on earth. Their secret to longevity is wholesome consuming, exercise and to be blissful and positive.
From private experience, I understand how my angle affects my life, health, enterprise, and relationships. I've seen either side from clinical depression to working diligently on my positive attitude. And guess what? It certainly is more fun and energizing to be positive somewhat than negative. It does take effort to keep up a positive perspective regularly, however the effort is so worth the advantages! Ask the folks round me.

The Children's Museum

Many museums cater to children only. Others, even some art museums, have children exhibits. Here are some reasons to take your children to a children's museum:
1. When you visit a children's museum you often see classes from grade schools, scouting groups, and also special groups catering to the needs of children with handicaps. But you should take your children by yourself. Parents understand their children and they can see things in the museum that their children would have had an interest, but because there is so much to see, they missed them.
2. Children have varied interest. Their little minds gobble up everything they see, hear, and can get their hands on. Exploring topics of interest and developing new interest enriches their lives.
3. A newly discovered interest can lead direction to a child's life. They may become so interested in a subject that they may make it an important part of their life. They may develop a life-long hobby or a vocation. For example, climbing into the giant heart model at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia may turn your son or daughter into a doctor of medicine, even a heart surgeon or cardiologist. The same museum also has an amateur radio station. I found that hobby to be a joy over the years.
4. Just spending time with children is precious and rewarding. Sometimes the kids are bored and are looking for something to do. So pile the kids into the car and take them out for the day, visiting a museum, is a great way to spend the day, eating in the cafeteria (if available) and browsing around the gift shop are fun activities too.
5. There is almost always public transportation to a museum. We took are kids to Philadelphia by train, not because it was simpler than driving the car but because it was something new and exciting to kids who have never hopped on a train or bus. And when you get to the museum, you don't have to worry about where to park the car.
6. When you get home, you will hear your kids talking about their museum trip. They may be excited about the planetarium show, a movie in the museum theater, watching the huge pendulum in the lobby of the museum, the dinosaur exhibit, the great blue whale, the insects, birds, animals, the "you name it." They will want to go again.
You can easily find a museum not too far from your home. There are many listings on the Internet. Contact the museum or visit its website to see what cost are involved. You might drag grandpa along to help pay the bills.
Fly Old Glory!
John T. Jones, Ph.D., Retired Professor, Engineer, Writer, Internet Marketer, Korean War Veteran. Meander around the West with me and my camera:
Fly Old Glory! This is also my site. Do you need a modern flagpole with no lanyards, ropes, pulleys, etc., then get a TopFlight telescoping flagpole with flag at: Shipping is free in the lower 48 States.
John T Jones, Ph.D. - EzineArticles Expert Author

Biotech Venture Capital Endeavors

Biotech- venture capital, these two go hand in hand. The amazing advances in the field of biotechnology has made it possible for a number of entrepreneurs to start out on their own. Biotechnology is the future of medicine and no one knows that better than the entrepreneurs of today. Therefore they have made it a point to actively seek out their fortune in the biotech industry.
Biotechnology Offers
Now, as is the case with all forms of business, one needs investors to set up a thriving business. It is not possible for a single man or sometimes, even a single company to finance a business, especially in the field of biotechnology where all the equipment required is so expensive. For biotech, venture capital firms have many, many opportunities.
• Opportunities may be found in the fields of healthcare, medical instruments, life science and nutrition industries as well as medical information technologies.
• Why invest in the biotech industry? This is because the venture capital industry has seen a growth of about 50% in just twelve months!
• Biotechnology is a hot area to invest in because one can never tell when groundbreaking discoveries will be made, for the cure of killer diseases like cancer, HIV and even diabetes. In fact, even a successful therapy offers a great profit margin in these cases.
• One of the most rapidly growing areas of the global pharmaceutical business is the anti-infective drug area. This finds many, many takers.
Why Venture Capital?
But, in order to convince investors, especially in the field of biotechnology, entrepreneurs have to do some very hard persuading, they have to prove that their product actually works - through clinical trials, experiments etc. This is the hard part.
Is it any wonder that most privately owned biotechnology firms today, are dependent on the money which comes from venture capitals to fund their research and experiments? Of course, one comes across lucky firms which have entered into understandings or deals with large pharmas and thus can sustain their research, but as mentioned before, the money mainly comes from venture capitalists.
When you are starting out a biotech company, do remember to opt for venture funding because, the risk factor is a lot less for the entrepreneur. Investors put a lot at stake when they invest in new biotech companies because they are relatively unheard of and, since this industry is a very competitive one, one can never be too sure how long these new companies will survive.
Venture capital is a boon for most businesses, but especially so, if you have decided to step into the uncharted waters of the biotech industry. It is definitely an avenue that you must look to because, if your product is good, then you can easily achieve the high growth rates that form the necessary criterion for venture capital firms.
Who doesn't want path-breaking medical treatment? Plenty of people out there are willing to pay a whole lot for it too so when your forte is biotech, venture capital should be your means.
Planning to finance for a Biotech venture capital? Visit to get all the details.

Economic Inequities

During a period of time when so many people have sacrificed so much from an economic point of view, there have been certain individuals, businesses and industries that have disproportionately, and many might argue, unfairly, profited. We have witnessed record foreclosures, a prolonged and extended period of extremely high unemployment, and a worldwide economic recession, yet these conditions have not been felt or shared equally by all.
After a period where mortgage rates were at historically low rates for quite some time (even though they were far more difficult to attain, with credit conditions made stricter, assessments made more difficult, and down payments made larger), we have recently witnessed mortgage rates once again rising. This has occurred despite a slumping housing market, yet because of a slight "uptick" in the real estate industry, it appears that banks decided to maximize their coffers. Even though the rate banks pay for money has been maintained for a prolonged period at historic low rates to the Federal Reserve, with the official reason being given to free up loan money and make it more affordable and available, banks have taken advantage of this to increase their profits. Despite paying so little for their own borrowing, banks have decided to manipulate the system to readjust their lending policies, so as to make large profits in less regulated areas, to more than compensate for the restrictions and protections supposedly imposed by the banking reform act that Congress passed a little more than a year ago.
The average interest that banks and other credit card issuers are now charging on credit card balances has jumped dramatically, and is presently averaging over fifteen percent (15%), where they were closer to ten percent several months ago. This despite the supposed consumer protections, and how little they are paying for money themselves. In addition to paying so little for Fed Funds, have you paid attention to how little they are paying you on your bank account deposit accounts?
Probably the most severely impacted have been older people who are living on a fixed income. Although the cost of living has risen substantially (check out the prices you pay at the gas pump, utilities, food stores, etc.) despite the government's official numbers to the contrary (the Consumer Index makes as little sense as the government's official Unemployment figures), these seniors are receiving far lower interest income on their bank accounts, which translates to lower income to live on. Social Security, on the hand, which is generally "pegged" to official indexes, has not increased to cover that difference.
Who has profited the most? One that many of us don't even think of is the many state governments who collect gasoline sales tax, based on a percentage of the price (rather than a fixed amount per gallon). No wonder, we don't hear too many state legislators addressing this issue sincerely or vehemently. Of course, the banks which have survived, have far and large, recovered nicely, and have been, for the most part, reporting hefty profits. Of course, the large oil companies such as ExxonMobil, etc., have been reaping substantial benefits. However, all this time, most of us consumers, just mere citizens, have been suffering.
Richard Brody has over 30 years consultative sales, marketing, training, managerial, and operations experience. He has trained sales and marketing people in numerous industries, given hundreds of seminars, appeared as a company spokesperson on over 200 radio and television programs, and regularly blogs on real estate, politics, economics, management, leadership, negotiations, conferences and conventions, etc. Richard has negotiated, arranged and/ or organized hundreds of conferences and conventions. Richard is a Senior Consultant with RGB Consultation Services, an Ecobroker, a Licensed Buyers Agent (LBA) and Licensed Salesperson in NYS, in real estate. Richard Brody has owned businesses, been a Chief Operating Officer, a Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of Development, as well as a consultant. Richard has a Consulting Website ( ); a blog ( ); and can be followed on Twitter.
Richard Brody - EzineArticles Expert Author

How to Pick a Good Bank for Your Teenager

In this era, it is important to teach and encourage your kids to save their money. As parents, you do not need to do anything for your kids' bank account. For a teenager, you can tell them about these tips to guide them in choosing the right bank for their requirements.
A teenager should know their purpose in having an account. Since teenager will need a bank account that will be very good for their study, they need to think about summer school or part-time jobs. Define what your need is. There are two major kinds of accounts that you should know, saving and checking accounts.
Define the right bank by considering your needs. You should think about the fees. When you use bank service such as ATM and check you may find that the bank charges you more for this service. The second thing to be considered is interest. Since you are a teenager, you need to get the proper interest for your money. Find a bank which has their particular account for student and teenager.
Compare and define which service is good for your requirement. This comparison includes fees, offering and special packages for student and youngsters. Do not forget to consider the location. You should not choose too far bank from your place since you will need to spend more time and effort to get there. It will help you to get the best offers and service.
The last that is also important is consideration. You need to ask your parents to get the best advice in choosing the right bank. They have various experiences regarding this issue. They will give you a good understanding and recommendation for your saving accounts. the right bank will offer the right packages for your money. Hopefully, this article will be helpful for all reader and in choosing the right bank.
If you have much money, you need to calculate the amount accurately. You may use money counting machine to get accurate calculation. You might want specific option like bill counter machine for your preferences.

Noni Juice Benefits Are Plenty

There are several Noni juice benefits to be had. Noni is an Asian fruit; it also goes by the names the great morinda, cheese fruit, Indian mulberry and beach mulberry. The fruit is not restricted to Asia and can be found in several other regions of the world as well. You will find it in India, Tahiti, as well as Polynesia. Scientifically speaking, the Latin name for this fruit is Morinda Citrifolia.
The Noni fruit is an excellent source of fiber, carbohydrates as well as proteins. Its nutritional value is what makes the fruit a healthy option; an added benefit is in the fact that its pulp is fat free. This is what is used to prepare the juice. Besides this, the nectar is also loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamin A as well as niacin and iron.
Though medical research cannot really validate this, there are several benefits of Noni juice. It is believed that the juice is good for the skin. Those who have been using this nectar over a period of time claim to have great skin. It has helped cure many of acne. The juice has also been used in creams to help improve complexion and treat skin afflictions.
There are many people who also believe that this food can help treat constipation, stomachaches and those suffering from gum based issues as well; it is also believed to prevent hair loss. A few studies done on Noni-based shampoos have proven its ability to help reverse hair loss and help regenerate it in some cases. There are several researchers who also believe in its potential to help fight cancer. There is extensive research going on in labs and several mice are being tested to this effect. Preliminary results have shown the juice's ability to slow tumor growth and even reduce it in some cases; though this information is yet to be validated. Despite the lack of research, many people feel that this nectar can help lower cholesterol rates as well.
As with overindulging with any medicinal substance, Noni juice benefits can be negated if had in excess. Having too much of this can produce some negative side effects especially for those who are on prescribed medication or special diets. It can lead to diabetic shock if one does not stick to prescribed blood sugar levels. For those who want to try this, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor before doing so.
The author has spent a lot of time learning about how to lose belly fat for women and other related topics. Read more about noni juice benefits at John Espinosa's website.
John Espinosa - EzineArticles Expert Author

Candida Symptoms Male

If you believe that yeast infections and Candida overgrowth is just a woman's problem, don't. It's a myth. Men can suffer from Candida overgrowth just like women can. Why? Because Candida is a fungus like bacteria that lives in and on our bodies. It lives in our gut and on our skin. And both men and women can suffer from Candida symptoms. Male folks may suffer the same symptoms and health complications. However, they're less likely to head to the doctor from embarrassment. Men, if you suffer from Candida symptoms, it's important to treat it!
Candida Symptoms Male & Female
Common symptoms for both genders include:
* Chronic fatigue
* Digestive pain
* Bloating and indigestion
* Joint pain with arthritis-like symptoms
* Weight loss OR gain
* Brain "fog"
* Headaches
* Skin rashes
* Depression
* Insomnia
* Acne
* Diarrhea
* Constipation
There are many more common Candida symptoms for both men and women. Here are some that are unique to men.
Candida Symptoms Male Only
* Irritation or rash on the head of the penis - may include itching
* Small blisters on the head and shaft of the penis
* Discharge from the penis.
* Stinging or tingling in and on the penis
* Swollen tissue around the penis
* Redness and pain or extreme sensitivity in the penis
This is most likely a Candida yeast infection. It is something you can contract via sexual contact and it is something you can transmit via sexual contact. Men can also get yeast infections, Candida overgrowth, without sexual contact. It is a bacteria that multiplies for a number of different reasons.
Common Candida Infection Causes
* A weakened immune system (HIV, Diabetes, Cancer, Chronic Stress)
* Antibiotics
* Sexual Transmission from a woman with a vaginal yeast infection
* Poor dietary habits. (too much sugary and fermented foods)
Treating Candida Symptoms in Men
The treatment for Candida overgrowth is commonly treated with an anti-fungal. This is fine because it will treat the symptoms. However, if you do not want the infection to reoccur, and who would, then a more comprehensive treatment plan is in order.
Candida overgrowth generally isn't a onetime occurrence. It is generally caused by a compromised immune system and/or lifestyle habits.
For example, one very common and effective way to treat Candida overgrowth is to go on a Candida diet. This diet eliminates sugar, foods that act like sugar in your body and fermented products from your diet for a short period of time - usually two to four weeks. This diet literally starves the Candida, because they thrive on sugars in your body.
Then, once the Candida has been eliminated, you can slowly add foods back into your diet. Taking great care to develop healthy eating habits because Candida can become overgrown again, this would then cause another yeast infection and other unpleasant Candida symptoms.
For most, the required lifestyle changes aren't drastic and are certainly worth the effort to avoid Candida symptoms. Males and females alike can suffer from Candida yeast infections and overgrowth symptoms. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Grab Your FREE 7-day Course and Learn How to Get Rid of Candida Overgrowth Safely and Naturally. Visit for Tips, Advice and Solutions.

Guidelines For Living A Healthier Life

Many foods that say 0g Cholesterol or low fat is enough for the average individual to buy that item and feel that they do not have to worry about extra fat in their diet.
That is the furthest thing from the truth. You must read the entire nutrition facts for the ingredients. Trying to decipher them is another matter. Food fact labels generally are shown in the following manner:
Serving Size: Whatever it may be. It could be ounces, tsp, tbsp, cup, etc., which are then noted in grams (g).
Servings Per Container: The amount of servings in that particular container.
Calories: The amount of calories per serving.
Calories from Fat: Here is where it starts to get important to you! Most of these values are based on a 2000-calorie a day diet. If your calorie intake is higher, the greater your intake will be of all the percentages on the label. Listed next is:
Total Fat: In grams (g) and the percent (%).
Sat Fat (saturated fat): In grams (g) and the percent (%).
Poly Fat (polyunsaturated): In grams (g).
Mono Fat (monounsaturated): In grams (g).
Cholesterol: In grams (g) and percent (%).
Sodium: In grams (g) and percent (%).
Total Carbohydrate: In grams and percent (%).
Protein: In grams (g).
If there are any vitamin or mineral supplements, such as A, C, D, etc. they will then be included here.
Ingredients: Here the ingredients are listed in the order as to the amount within the food. Be sure to read the ingredients. Knowing the order will tell you if you want to pass up that particular food. The greatest amount is listed first and the least amount is listed last. An example is when sugar is at the top of the list and you want to cut down on your sugar intake (and you should), you will want to avoid that item.
All of the above is a primer to make you more knowledgeable in reading the food labels. However, there is more to picking the proper foods to eat. Many packages will glaringly declare that this food is cholesterol free, or it is fat free, or low fat. This does not mean that it is healthy for you to eat. In the Health Hint below we will discuss FATS IN OUR DIET.
Unfortunately, it has been found that many of the manufacturers have been prone to misleading the public by placing erroneous information on their labels. Tests by independent laboratories have proven that as many as 1 in 10 labels have improper values listed on the nutrition content. The manufacturers are allowed errors up to 20% so that if the serving size claims 100 calories, it may contain 120 calories. If the actual calories are above 130, that particular food fails the Federal governments standards and are in violation of the law. The law also allows for up to a 10% margin of error in the testing process.
As the public is becoming more and more aware of this problem, there will be a greater role in government regulation and more pressure on all food-processing companies to truthfully report the nutrition facts on their labels. It is generally up to the State Department of Agriculture of each state to inspect the foods and to ascertain if the nutrition facts claimed are correct on the labels. Unfortunately, there are not enough inspectors to check every food and label out there. This makes it difficult for the individual who takes it as gospel when they do read the labels on foods. So, be cautious in your food purchases. But we hope that as time goes on, there will be improvements in the labeling process.
Health Hint***
All fats are not created equal, and the more you know about them will help you for improving your health, and in staying healthy.
SATURATED FAT OR TRANSFATS: Are fats from whole milk, dairy products and animal products, such as red meat, butter, cream cheese and palm oil.
UNSATURATED FATS: Are usually in liquid form and are not as harmful as the saturated fats.
MONOUNSATURATED FATS: Are slightly unsaturated fats found in plant foods, olive and canola oil.
POLYUNSATURATED: Are highly unsaturated fats found in foods from plants, such as sunflower, safflower, soybean oils and corn.
In order to determine the types of fat a particular food contains, you must READ THE LABELS and be able to determine the ingredients, that are listed by weight, and the nutritional information per serving. The explanation of the nutrition facts listed above will help in this respect, and can determine if you are eating a healthy diet.
Fat is necessary in order to have your body function normally. However, like anything else it must be used in moderation and kept under control and prevented from overpowering the body. Not only is it important to limit fat in our diet, but also it is mandatory that we exclude fats that are harmful.
In order to keep these unhealthy foods from our diet, we have to avoid foods that contain TRANSFATS. These are foods containing palm oils; coconut oil and any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated shortening that are of the solid or partly solid variety. Solid margarine, lard, fat marbled beef and hydrogenated vegetable oil are such fats to be avoided. If you find more than one type of fat, then there is probably too much fat for you. And of course the serving size you eat will determine the amount of fat that you will be eating.
1 gram of fat = 9 calories.
For example if the serving has 5 grams of fat,
5 x 9 = 45 calories from fat.
If the total calories of your serving are 100 then:
45/100 = 45% of calories from fat.
Remember too: As your calorie intake increases, so will the amount of fat you will be eating. This also holds true for all the other ingredients such as sugars, sodium and carbohydrates.
Final words, know what you are eating, eat smart and stay healthy!
Dr. Emanuel M. Cane, D.C.